Saturday, September 28, 2024

The Bard Ceraifiot Hoodwinks The Stable Master Rufus

Profit is sweet, even if it comes from deception -- Sophocles (c. 497/496 to 406/405 BC). An ancient Greek tragedian.

Opening his mouth wide and sticking out his tounge, Rufus the stable master went in for a smooch. "Come on, baby" the horny horse keeper purred as he slobbered on Suri's face, some drool dribbling down his chin and onto the mage's clevage, running down between her breasts (which were pressed tight against the sweaty barrel chest of her assailant). Closing her eyes, Suri took a breath to calm herself before reciting a minor shock incantation that should knock her amorous attacker on his ass.

Before the first syllable escaped her lips, however, she was suddenly released and shoved violently. Falling backward, the indignant magic user landed with a thud on her curvaceous derriere. "Ugh! What the hell is up with your face?" Rufus exclaimed. "Disgusting" a shaken Rufus remarked as he shook off the bard Ceraifiot. "Unhand me, you middle-aged bieber" Rufus growled, looking mildly annoyed, yet at the same time sick.

"By the gods, it appears as though your face has just about melted off. I think I'm going to be ill". Rufus sat down on a bail of hay and shook his head. "Tis a pity. I mistook you for a 10 when you are but a 4 at best. I would not do you even with a bag over your head". Olaf, who had drawn his weapon and sprung forward, about to swing, resheathed his sword.

Suri, whose glamer had expired, rose to her feet, removed a kerchief from her pocket, and wiped the drool from her chest. "Do not lay hands on me again or I will remove the equipment you value so highly" the angry mage warned. "Take it easy. I aint interested in a melted butterface. I don't care how smoking hot your body is" Rufus replied, sticking his finger down his throat and making gagging sounds.

I've had enough of this, Rufus thought, wishing the strangers were gone. "Back there" Rufus said, pointing to the rear of the stable. "There is a grate that I shovel the horseshit down. It stinks like hell but it connects directly to the city's sewer system, which empties into the eastern ocean. That is your way out of the city. If you wish to bypass the gates, that is".

"It is many miles though twists and turns" Paulina reminded everyone. "We are going to need that guide your stableboy just helpfully offered to go fetch". The gnomish rogue, having grown up in the city, was familar with that much, at least. Although she had only been beneath the city a couple of times. The vast labyrinth that lay beneath was not a place that very many residents of the city, nor even members of the guild ventured often. Excepting the few established routes in and out of the city. Monsters lurked elsewhere, which is why a guide was absolutely necessary to navigate the route below.

Erik the stableboy spoke up again. "Yes, I will deliver a message to the thieves guild that a guide is required". "Go ahead" Rufus said, agreeing. Rufus went to the desk he used to keep the stable records and pulled out a sheet of parchment. Dipping a quill into a bootle of ink, he wrote out a message. "Here" he said, handing the note to Erik. "Deliver this and pretty boy will pay you a copper". Erik took the note and, after folding it and placing it in his pocket, departed.

Steve wandered over to the back of the stables where Rufus had indicated the sewer entrance was located. "I aint going down there" Barry remarked, his nose wrinkled up at the horrid smell eminating from the shaft descending into blackness. "I'm with Barry" Steve concurred, his eyes watering as he also examined the grate. "The law aint looking for nobody but Suri. I say she and this guide use the sewers while the rest of us exit in the normal manner like civilized people. We can meet outside the city with the horses".

"Hold on", Rufus interjected. "Your steeds are already sold. And I was giving you a deal, at that". "However", the stable master continued, "I'd be willing to sell your four horses back to you for... let's say 800 gold crowns?". "No way" an angry looking Steve retorted. "We're simply canceling the deal".

"Look, here!" Rufus remarked. "You need to pay me. And you need to pay the Thieves Guild guide that Erik will be returning with. If you can't pay that is going to be a big problem. With me and with the Guild. The guide will definitely be expecting payment when he gets here. My price is 500 gold crowns. That includes a 100 gp cancellation fee for voiding our prior deal".

"Given that you have us over a barrel, I guess I have no choice" Ceraifiot announced, removing a golden ring from a finger. "This has been in my family for generations. It is easily worth 5 thousand gold crowns". The stable master was clearly very interested in this new deal. "That is more like it" he said, smiling. "But don't be expecting me to be paying the difference between my fee and the value of your ring".

"Of course not" Ceraifiot relented. "But, given that this is such a valuable family heirloom, I will ask that you pay the Thieves Guild fee charged for providing a guide". "It's a deal" Rufus agreed. He was very eager to complete the transaction, given that 5 thousand gold coins was more money than he had ever seen in his life.

But then a thought crossed his mind. "I would like to examine it first, however. Just in case you're trying to pull a fast one. As a member of the thieves guild, I do have some knowlege when it comes to assessing the value of such trinkets" Rufus said, partially bluffing. He did believe he could definitely detect a fake.

Ceraifiot turned on the charm (magic). "You don't need to see the ring. Take my word for it, this is an extremely valuable piece. See how the emerald's sparkle" he added, slyly casting a minor illusion to make it appear that the plain copper band was encrusted with gemstones. "OK, I'll take your word for it" Rufus agreed. To him the bard suddenly appeared very trustworthy. And he certainly would not dare to incur the stable master's wrath. "I'll rip you limb from limb if you shaft me" Rufus warned.

Steve could see what was going on, but he said nothing. The fact was he found the trick Ceraifiot was playing on the stable master quite humorous. He chuckled softly. Ceraifiot was shaking out to be a better leader than he had anticipated. Despite the fact that he still hated his guts, Steve couldn't help but admire the bard. Just a little.

Paulina also noticed what was going on but said nothing. Though she did worry what might happen when she returned to Wallis after completing their quest. Surely Rufus would hold her responsible. As a fellow Guild member who vouched for her companions. But the gnome decided that was something to worry about later. Much later. Right now departing the city was what was important.

Ceraifiot offered Rufus the ring and he accepted and pocketed it without examining it. He did hold it up to the light to marvel at how beautiful it was first. Then they shook on the deal. Rufus was very happy with his sudden riches. This had worked out for him very well after all. Or, he would continue to believe it had until he removed the plain copper band from his pocket and discovered it was virtually worthless.

Though that wouldn't occur until the charm magics Ceraifiot had employed wore off. So, likely not for several hours. By then the companions would be long gone. Steve and Barry took the horses and departed, planning to exit the city via the North Gate. Everyone agreed they would meet up later at their camp outside the city walls. Where they would also wait and see if William showed up. "If not he will be left behind" Ceraifiot insisted. This was sentiment everyone but Suri agreed with.

"What a strange hold this a-hole has on Suri" the bard thought. Possibly the result of a curse? He was completely baffled as to why she wasn't immediately agreeable to ditching him. Well, hopefully William would not show up. And maybe Ceraifiot could convince her not to wait. Because, if William were taken into custody, he certainly could disclose to the authorities the location they had agreed to meet up at if they got separated. He probably would.

Image: Another installment torn from the pages of the best selling fantasy adventure opus, "The Adventures of William the Moderate" (posted here after a lengthy delay) as authored by the world renowned novelist, Dervish Sanders.

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