Thursday, March 13, 2025

Dervish And Ayla Spend The Night At The Garden Of Respite Visitor's Cottage

As dusk blanketed the Garden of Tranquility, Dervish Sanders stood outside the visitor's cottage. The air was alive with drifting dandelion fluff, catching the amber glow of the setting sun. Ayla, a step ahead, beckoned him to hurry, but Dervish lingered, plucking a dandelion from the earth.

"Good fortune", he explained as he blew on it, releasing the seeds to the wind. They spiraled upward as though carried by invisible hands.

"You believe that?", Ayla asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's something my mother told me", Dervish replied wistfully. "I doubt there is any truth to it, but who knows?"

"I guess it couldn't hurt", Ayla concluded. "You should tell me about your family some day".

"They are long gone", Dervish revealed, a tinge of sadness in his voice.

Ayla decided to let the subject drop for the time being. She picked a dandelion herself and blew on it, making her own wish. The pappus took flight intact, drifting away into the night sky.

Inside the visitor's cottage, a warm glow radiated from an already crackling fire. Its presence hinted at the possibility of other visitors. Or perhaps the hearth itself was enchanted. A pot of stew hung above the flames, gently simmering as the firelight danced across the walls. The air was heavy with the intoxicating aroma of sage, its source a smoldering bundle of dried leaves resting on a plate in the middle of the stout wooden table. The herbal fragrance intertwined with the earthy, savory notes of the bubbling stew

"It looks like a vegetarian shurba", Ayla remarked, removing the pot's cover using a oven mitt she found on a nearby hook.

"You think we should eat this?", Dervish asked, eyeing the pot warily. Then he caught a whiff and reconsidered. "It smells delicious".

"Perhaps we shouldn't", Ayla agreed. "If for no other reason that it belongs to someone else".

"My dandelion soup is quite safe to eat, travelers", a disembodied female voice assured them. "And you are welcome to it".

Dervish looked around in alarm. Aside from Ayla and himself, there was no one else present. Where was the voice coming from?

"Look", Ayla said pointing.

Dervish looked where Ayla indicated and noticed a mouse perched on the mantel above the fire, starring at them with beady black eyes. Then the mouse spoke.

"I am Fawaz, the familiar of the mistress of the kukh", the small brown rodent said. Its nose twitched though its lips did not move.

"I see", Dervish replied. And where are you, mistress of the Kukh? Are you nearby?"

"I am", the mistress revealed by way of her mouse familiar. "I'm in this very building on an upper floor. I don't usually interact with guests. Though the humster did tell me you were on your way. And vouched for you".

"Will you join us for some of the food you prepared?", Ayla inquired.

"I think I may", the mistress replied. "Though I am apprehensive. It is possible you could be disturbed by my appearance".

Ayla thought, but assured the possibly hideous female that she would not be at all alarmed, so the voice agreed. The mouse squeaked, then dashed into a crack in the wall behind the mantel, disappearing like a shadow at twilight.

A few minutes later the mysterious stranger joined them. Both Dervish and Ayla agreed she was quite beautiful and not at all hideous. Despite her horns, tail and pitch black eyes. Though Dervish was momentarily taken aback when she sashayed in, joining them for dinner.

The reason for her demonic appearance, she said, was due to being planetouched. She asserted that her bloodline reached back to an ancestor that hailed from the Feywild.

"Or, so my grandfather claimed", the lady disclosed, brushing a strand of gray hair tinged with lavender from her face. "You can call me Char", she added, flashing Dervish a smile which revealed her pearly whites. Also a set of razor sharp canines.

Char ladled her guests some soup and they sat down to eat. Dervish and Ayla explained what they were doing here, in the Dreamweaver's demiplane, which was to utilize a travel mirror in the West Hall of the Hall of Mirrors.

"That is quite interesting", Char commented, her eyes suddenly metamorphosing to a more human-appearing state. Upon blinking, her scleras were revealed to be white; her irises a striking emerald. "My nictitating membranes", she explained after noticing Dervish was starring at her.

"Your eyes are quite beautiful", Dervish confessed, noticing that Char's emerald irises were literally glowing.

This caused the tiefling lady to blush. "Thank you", she demurred.

Dervish took a sip of the soup, its rich aroma giving way to a blend of savory spices that danced on his tongue. He hadn't realized just how hungry he was until the warm broth filled his belly, chasing away the day's weariness. Without thinking, he went back for another spoonful, then another.

Ayla took a sip of rose wine. Gazing at Dervish across the table, she inquired, "do you find this female attractive, my love?"

Dervish confessed that he did, causing Char to blush more.

The three spoke at length for many hours as Dervish and Ayla continued flirting with their host.

"You can correct me if I'm wrong, but I get the feeling that you are both attracted to me", Char eventually concluded. Though she found this prospect confusing.

The tiefling emptied her wine glass and Ayla poured her another. Suddenly she felt uneasy with her accusation and regretted asking. Perhaps she was completely wrong?

"Absolutely", Ayla breathed, her voice quivering lustfully.

Char felt slightly tipsy. Though less from the alcohol and more from nerves. She felt as if butterflies filled her stomach. She stood and began to clear the table, setting the empty soup bowls and glasses aside. She was going to recork the wine bottle, but found it empty. In fact there were several empties.

"Let me help", Ayla offered, though all the dishes had been removed.

"No need", Char insisted. Cleanup can wait until tomorrow.

"I meant with this", Ayla elucidated, approaching Char and gingerly unhitching her dungarees.

Offering no resistance, Char allowed the front of her overalls to fall, exposing her shapely breasts, which Ayla began to massage. Things progressed from there, and soon everyone was naqis. After that, Ayla and Dervish took turns pleasuring the tiefling woman sexually.

"Pull my tail!", Char demanded as Dervish bent her over the table and inserted his qadib into her almihbal, which exuded an incredible heat.

Dervish did as requested, yanking her tail as he thrusted into the tiefling from behind. He plunged his fua deep inside her. The juices began to flow, providing ample lubrication. Her rounded buttocks jiggled as he continued pounding until she climaxed.

Char sighed deeply, wiping the sweat from her brow. Following some encouragement from Ayla, Char went to her knees in front of Dervish and took hold of his qadib. Given the tiefling's sharp teeth, Dervish was a bit apprehensive in allowing her to perform eamiq halaq, but Char insisted she would not bite. Or only bite gently.

Char gulped and swallowed when the allisan was complete. Then licked her lips and grinned. "That is the most fun I've had in a long time", she concluded.

It was growing quite late, so they decided to retire to the bedroom, Char leading the way. Once there, Ayla and Char climbed onto the feather bed and started scissoring while Dervish recovered. Then, when the two women had finished, he laid Char out and delighted her with a second orgasm. They switched positions and Char rode Dervish until she experienced a third orgasm. The tiefling screamed in ecstasy, then collapsed on Dervish's chest.

"That was far superior than what I actually wished for", Ayla whispered, her lips gently kissing Dervish's ear. Soon they were all fast asleep, exhausted after many hours of physical exertion.

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