Sunday, March 02, 2025

Dervish And Ayla Encounter The Hadbat Hadi'a Humster And The Dafdae Barma Yiy


A low, resonant hum rippled through the forest, a sound so deep it seemed to stir the very roots of the towering trees around them. Dervish paused mid-step, his hand instinctively drifting toward the hilt of his scimitar.

"What is that humming noise?" he asked, glancing at Ayla. They had just entered the Habat Hadi'a forest after climbing the massive staircase and leaving the east wing of the Hall of Mirrors complex behind.


Ayla tilted her head, listening intently. "It's coming from this direction". She gestured toward a narrow path that forked off from the main thoroughfare. Her curiosity sparked, she added, "Let's check it out".

Dervish was also intrigued, so followed as Ayla turned onto the narrower path. The stone trail wound through the trees, which seemed to grow denser with every step. The humming grew louder, a soothing rhythm that pulsed through the air like a heartbeat.

"Perhaps we should turn back", Dervish suggested after a while, his voice uneasy. Could this be a trap? Yet even as he said it, he realized the sound was oddly calming, almost hypnotic.

Before Ayla could answer, something scurried into view. A small, antlered creature emerged from the shadows -- a rodent-like being with sleek brown fur. It stopped directly in their path and regarded them with glowing eyes.

"Greetings, humanoids", it hummed, its voice vibrating in perfect harmony with the forest's strange resonance. "I am the humster".

Dervish had never heard of a humster before and had no idea what one was. Ayla indicated that she also did not know what a humster is by shrugging her shoulders when Dervish turned and looked at her.

"Relax", the humster hummed.

Dervish and Ayla both found themselves feeling very relaxed. The soundwaves gently caressed their bodies like millions of tiny finger massaging every inch of their bodies.

"This feels fantastic!" Ayla exclaimed, her voice quivering.

Dervish felt the soundwaves massage his body, including down below. This caused him to become aroused. Waves of pleasure washed over him as the soundwaves continued to edge him toward an orgasmic crescendo. Ayla cried out in ecstasy as she climaxed. Dervish dropped his pants just in time to avoid soiling himself.

A powerful stream of almani shot forth as Dervish erupted. When finished he went to his knees, exhausted. A feeling of euphoria overtook him. He sat on the stone path with his pants around his ankles.

"I call that the orgasmic hum", the humster explained. The humming decreased, then petered out.

Dervish wondered if this was some sort of attack. If so, he and Ayla were in quite a vulnerable position. She was also down on her knees, her face looking flushed.

"That was one of the most powerful orgasms I have ever experienced", Ayla declared. Dervish found himself agreeing. He found a rag and cleaned himself off. Then pulled up his pants.

The creature started humming again. "Are you sure you two wouldn't like to go at it?" the humster asked.

Both Dervish and Ayla agreed that sounded like an excellent idea. As the humming continued, Dervish removed his pants and Ayla her panties. Then she climbed on. Moving her body faster and faster, she rode his qadib until they both orgasmed once again.

The humster approached, looking very satisfied. Ayla picked up the creature. "So cute", she concluded. "Obviously this humster is no threat".

"Indeed, I am no threat", the humster concurred. "And your reaction to my hum defense has proven that you are no threat to me", the humster squeaked. "Those who are good react as you did. Those who are evil react in another manner".

"What would be the manner of the reaction of those who are evil be?" Dervish asked, pulling up his pants a second time.

"With violence instead of love", the humster replied. "But you passed the test".

The humster looked deeply in Ayla's eyes. "You do not require my assistance", it concluded. It jumped from Ayla's hand and approached Dervish Sanders. "I have a gift for you", the humster said.

Dervish picked up the humster, which proceeded to look deeply into his eyes. Then the humster started straining and grunting. It finished by taking a poop in Dervish's hand. The humster jumped down and ran off, leaving behind a sparkling cool blue gem in Dervish's palm.

Both Dervish and Ayla agreed this was a very strange encounter, but returned to the main path. After Dervish pocketed the humster's gift.

"I don't know what to make of what just happened, but I guess I'll hold onto this", Dervish remarked, examining the jewel.

"This gem seems to have magical properties. What they are I cannot say", Ayla concluded after scrutinizing the gem. She handed it back to Dervish.

The couple resumed walking the main path though the forest as the light diminished in the sky above. Stars appeared and Dervish and Ayla eventually came to a large stone wall that extended in both directions as far as the eye could see. A metal gate swung open when pushed by Ayla.

A soft creak echoed through the air as the gate opened, swallowed quickly by the gentle hum of fireflies and the rustling of frangipani petals in the breeze. After some time, the path led to a circular clearing dominated by a reflecting pool at its center. Moonlight danced on the water's surface, casting rippling shadows on the surrounding Yoshino cherry trees.

They approached the reflecting pool, its water impossibly still, as if it defied the breeze entirely. Then, without warning, the silence shattered -- a series of deep, resonant croaks broke through the night. The croaking intensified, reaching an almost deafening volume.

Hundreds of blue-green amphibians suddenly swarmed the two, hopping and jumping several feet into the air. Dervish and Ayla were pelted with tiny frog bodies. Dervish attempted to draw his scimitar, but the pommel slipped from his grasp, as it was coated with some kind of slime.

One slightly larger frog, with a form that appeared to be composed of water, sat at the pool's edge. "Welcome, travelers, to the Garden of Respite. It is rare for mortals to tread here uninvited", the frog said, speaking. Was this was a threat?

Ayla blinked, "we have been invited and travel with the permission of the master of this realm", she insisted.

"I am Barma Yiy, and this is my realm. I did not grant permission", the iridescent amphibian croaked.

"I see", Dervish replied. He deduced that the frog was referring to the pool as its realm. As opposed to the demiplane the Hall of Mirrors was located in. "We apologize".

"la mushkila", Barma replied. "Though I am curious as to who you are referring. Who granted you the permission you claim to have?" Barma eyed Ayla. In the meantime, while they had been conversing, the small jumping frogs stopped jumping. Though they remained on the ground surrounding Dervish and Ayla.

"The Dreamweaver", Ayla answered. "Though it appears you may not know who that is".

"I do know!" Barma croaked. Its internal organs glowed though its translucent skin. "The Dreamweaver is a powerful human wizard. Long ago an ancestor of mine was this wizard's familiar. The Dreamweaver's name is etched in the waters of memory", Barma croaked, his throat pouch inflating as he spoke.

Dervish didn't know about this. He deduced that the wizard this amphibian referred to must be the creator of the artifact known as the Dreamweaver's cloak. "That is who gave us permission. The one that wears the Dreamweaver's cloak".

"I assess this to be truthful", Barma concluded after considering Dervish's statement. "The fact is, I had a vision that foretold of your arrival". Just then Barma's tounge darted from his mouth, snagging a firefly that floated nearby. He crunched it in his mouth for a while before swallowing. "You are welcome here".

Barma's eyes gleamed. "I invite you to gaze into the reflecting pool and gain some insight from the reflection's truth". The frogs surrounding them departed, hopping away and plopping into the pool. Soon only Dervish, Ayla, Barma and the fireflies remained. Though the remaining fireflies kept their distance from Barma.

"Why would we want to do that?" Dervish asked, stepping forward.

Many frog heads appeared above the water. They croaked in unison, an eerie harmony that sent a chill through the air. "Worry not. Step to the water's edge, gaze into its depths, and find out", Barma assured them.

"Allow me", Alya interjected, sensing Dervish's hesitation. Ayla gazed into the dark reflective waters. She took in what she saw, sighing. Ayla saw a vision of the future. A future in which she betrayed her love, Dervish. "Not yet", she whispered.

Dervish stood beside her, though he saw nothing of Ayla's vision. Instead he saw a vision of his past. The face of his first love, Everly. The woman he proposed to long ago. This perplexed him, given that, since then he had met the love of his life, Ayla. "What do you make of this?" he wondered out loud.

"What do you see?" Ayla inquired.

"The face of the woman who broke my heart", Dervish replied. "Though my heart is healed now. Thanks to you". This seemed to trouble Ayla. "Are you troubled?" Dervish asked.

"Only by what I saw in the waters", Ayla replied. She embraced Dervish. "It's nothing to worry about", she whispered in his ear. "Our love is strong".

"It appears as though today is a day of inexplicable encounters", Dervish concluded.

Barma noted the confusion on the human male's face. "If you are perplexed by the truth you saw, the meaning is likely to be revealed at a later date", the blue frog said as its skin shimmered. "As often is the case with visions". Then Barma departed, slipping silently into the water.

Dervish and Ayla drank deeply from the waters of the reflecting pool, then plucked some cherries for sustenance. The water was cool and soothed their dry throats. The cherries were sweet and clammed their hunger pangs.

"The visitor's cottage is up the path a bit", Ayla explained after kneeling down beside the pool. Removing them from her pocket, she proceeded to wash her panties. "I doubt I've ever squirted more intensely", she revealed, wringing out her undergarment.

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