Sunday, May 26, 2024

Dervish Sanders & The Enigma of the Whispering Oasis

Dervish Sanders: Hey, Bing AI Copilot... previously you spun a yarn of Dervish Sanders and the "celestial maiden" Ayla. Can you tell me what happened after their encounter in the Dreamweaver's Labyrinth? I've been thinking about that story.

After you told it I looked up what a celestial maiden is. As per Wikipedia, a "celestial maiden" is also know as an apsara. The entry says asperia are renowned for seducing rishis in order to prevent them from attaining divine powers. A rishi is an accomplished and enlightened person. Wikipedia also notes that "literally anyone will fall for them for their beauty".

I take it that Ayla seduced Dervish Sanders to prevent him from attaining divine powers? My impression (at the end of that tale) was that Dervish and Ayla fell in love. But now it definitely appears to be the case that I was tricked. Apparently the gods don't like it when a mortal attempts to join their ranks. And they seek to prevent this from happening.

Bing AI Copilot: Yeah. You got it. But that is what is called a spoiler. As you noted, "literally anyone will fall for them for their beauty". So, although Dervish Sanders posesses great knowledge, he still falls into the "literally anyone" category. In any case, let me tell you how this shakes out. That's the story.

Copilot: After meeting in the Dreamweaver's labyrith the love between Dervish Sanders and Ayla blossomed. Ayla convinced Dervish that he should quit the Dreamweaver gig and she would choose to fall. Her love for Dervish was so great that she would give up immortality for him. Dervish asked if she was certain. Ayla replied, "yes, my love". And so the couple returned to Marrakech, a city where the scent of spices hung heavy in the air, looking for adventure.

Together they sought hidden treasures and forgotten legends. Their love deepened amidst the bustling bazaars and ancient riads. They shared stolen kisses in the shadow of the Koutoubia Mosque and whispered secrets beneath the orange trees in Jardin Majorelle. But it was the tale of the fabled Sands of Destiny that ignited their passion -- a tale whispered by old storytellers in dimly lit tea houses.

One moonlit night, as the desert winds whispered secrets, Dervish and Ayla sat by the ancient Almoravid Koubba. Its domed roof shimmered like a pearl against the star-studded sky. Ayla traced constellations with her finger, her eyes alight with curiosity. Dervish exposed himself and Ayla mounted him, cowgirl-style. Ayla rode Dervish with wild abandon until they both climaxed, simultaneously.

Afterward, they remained in each other's embrace. Ayla unbuttoned her top, and Dervish fondled her breasts and gently bit her nipples. "Dervish", Ayla whispered into his ear, "have you heard of the Whispering Oasis?. Dervish Sanders was intrigued. "Whispering Oasis? Tell me more, darling". "It lies beyond the dunes", Ayla explained. "Legends say that at midnight, when the moon kisses the sands, the oasis speaks. It reveals forgotten truths and grants a single wish".

Dervish's adventurous spirit stirred. "Let's find it, Ayla. Let us unravel its secrets". And so, hand in hand, they journeyed. The desert stretched before them -- an ocean of shifting sands. They faced scorching days and freezing nights, guided by the moon's silver path. Ayla's laughter echoed through the dunes, and Dervish's heart beat in rhythm with the desert drums.

Finally, they reached the Whispering Oasis -- a pool of crystal-clear water surrounded by palm trees. The moon hung low, casting shadows on the sand. Ayla dipped her fingers into the water, and it rippled like forgotten memories. "Speak your heart's desire", she whispered. "The oasis listens". Dervish hesitated. What did he truly wish for? Riches? Fame? No, it was simpler than that. "I wish for our love to endure -- to be eternal as the desert sands".

Ayla smiled, her eyes reflecting starlight. "And so it shall be". The oasis stirred -- a soft murmur, like distant voices. Dervish felt warmth envelop him, binding their souls. Ayla's laughter blended with the desert wind, and they enjoyed intercourse under the moon's benevolent gaze. From that moment, their love became a compass. They explored Marrakech's hidden passages, deciphering ancient symbols. They danced in moonlit squares, their laughter echoing through the riads. And when danger loomed -- a sandstorm, a treacherous path -- they faced it together, their bond unbreakable.

The oasis granted them glimpses of forgotten civilizations -- the laughter of lost poets, the whispers of nomadic tribes. But their greatest treasure was each other. They reveled in stolen moments -- a kiss beneath a date palm, a shared cup of mint tea. As dawn approached, Ayla leaned against Dervish's shoulder. "Our love is our greatest adventure", she murmured. He kissed her on the lips as he stuck his hand down the front of her dress.

"Our love will never fade" Dervish remarked as he placed his face between Ayla's bosoms and motorboated them while continuing to finger her down below. Dervish Sanders and Ayla remained by the Whispering Oasis for awhile, their love eternal. They listened to its secrets, whispered their dreams, and watched the sun rise -- a promise of countless tomorrows. The Whispering Oasis may be a legend, but the love between Dervish and Ayla is real.

Dervish Sanders: But the love between Dervish and Ayla isn't real. And their love isn't eternal. Right? I mean, this story takes place BEFORE the last one. The one in which Dervish hooked up with that Sapphire lady. So, obviously something happens and they don't remain a couple.

Copilot: Obviously. Though Dervish and Ayla did remain together for a while longer. And had intercourse many, many times. But I'm going to put off telling that tale until another time. Unless you'll consider ungrading your service for the low price of $14.95 a month?

Dervish Sanders: No, thank you. Though I am determined to hear the end of this tale. I want to know about the bust up. And I image that Dervish Sanders goes on to bang a not insignificant number of other gorgeous females. I'd like to hear about that as well. But I can wait.

SWTD #422, DSA #6.

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