Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Dervish Sanders And Ayla Jamila Samawi Barter With Hasan Al Hulma Wayafar

"There is the matter of my fee".

"Fee?" Ayla asked.

Hasan moved the tapestry back into place, concealing the yellow door. "Yes. You may come and go as you please, as per our prior arrangement, Ayla. But that agreement did not include guests".

That's fine", Dervish said, interrupting the two. "I have some gold I brought for incidentals. Also bribes".

"It is a fee, not a bribe", Hasan corrected him. "Most of my income comes from selling carpets. I am a man of modest means. I did not charge you when I allowed you entry to my labyrinth. Nor for the use of my cloak. I am a very generous man".

"What about 200 Zahiran Dinars?" Dervish asked.

Hasan raised his eyebrows. "That is a decent opening offer", he concluded. "Yet quite far from where I would like to end up. As the Dreamweaver, the labyrith is mine and mine alone. As is the Hall of Mirrors. Others have accessed it without my permission, though many of them perished. Negotiating the labyrith is nigh impossible for someone who does not possess the cloak. Though you should be safe as long as you do not venture into the labyrinth".

"500 Zahiran Dinars?" Dervish countered.

Hasan appeared to be considering the offer. "The price is 1000 Zahiran Dinars" he declared defiantly. "Though, for a friend such as Dervish Sanders, I can give a 20 percent discount. Something I have never done before. I have collected the fee several times previously". Hasan counted on his fingers. "You will be the 6th. To only 5 others have I ever granted access. Each of those individuals paid 1000 Zahiran Dinars. They talked me down from a greater price. 1000 was as low as I was willing to go".

"For you, my good friend, I will settle for 800".

Dervish considered the offer. "How much for a lifetime unlimited pass?" he asked.

Hasan looked shocked. He stroked his beard. "Yes, for you, and only you, that is a possibility. But the price would be steep. I would grant you lifetime free unlimited access if you were to kill The Wise One. Though that task is likely impossible, even for the legendary Dervish Sanders".

"What is this Wise One?" Dervish asked.

Then he remembered rumors he heard in discussions with fellow intellectuals. An Al-Qarawiyyin University professor elaborated on some rumors he heard in the streets of Fes. The Wise One was a being worshiped by the organization known as The Church Of The Wise One. The Wise One, as per the professor, was some kind of malevolent deity or demigod. One that supposedly resided within Fes itself.

"We can negotiate with a demigod?" Dervish pondered after relating what he knew of The Wise One.

Ayla explained, "The Wise One is a very powerful entity, but it is not a demigod or a god. It has only fooled its gullible followers into believing it is".

Hasan agreed. "They are fools", The carpet merchant remarked.

Dervish considered Ayla and Hasan's words. "You've encountered The Wise One before? I'm getting a sense you have".

"A couple of times" Ayla confessed. Before we met".

Hasan confirmed that he too had parlayed with the Wise One. Dervish weighed his inclination toward caution with the need for speed. He trusted Ayla unreservedly, so he paid Hasan the 800 Zahiran Dinars. Though it was most of the gold he brought with him for the journey.

"Be careful, my friend", Hasan cautioned. "By the way, if you are able to defeat The Wise One, or come to some other arrangement with xe, I would greatly appreciate it. I don't like it at all that xe set up shop next to an access point to my demiplane".

Dervish and Ayla approached the yellow door.

"Some other things you should be aware of", Hasan remarked. "The Wise One knows not that there is a portal to my demiplane in it's chamber. Or anything about it's existence at all. So keep your guard up and do not disclose this. Also, beware Don The Old".

Dervish did not know who this Don The Old was, but Hasan assured him Ayla would fill him in.

"There is much more to Hasan than I realized previously", Dervish remarked when the yellow door shut behind them. "Dude has his own demiplane".

"Actually", Ayla replied, "the Dreamweaver's labyrinth is accessible to the one who possesses the Dreamweaver's cloak. The cloak is an artifact".

"An artifact? That's a magical item with extraordinary powers". Dervish was impressed. "Maybe I should have held on to the cloak while I had it".

"The cloak has but one master at a time. It would have simply dematerialized and returned to Hasan had you not returned it. Hassan was only worried that he had misjudged your character, not that he would not get his cloak back".

Dervish agreed that made sense. They walked along a dimly lit passage for some time, continual light lanterns illuminating the way.

Eventually the tunnel dead-ended. Or seemed to. Ayla pressed her face to the cold stone wall. She seemed to be looking closely at something. "The coast seems to be clear", she finally declared. When she stepped back Dervish noticed a small peephole. Then, after a command word was spoken, a hidden door appeared.

"Don't worry about The Wise One", Ayla assured Dervish. "I have parlayed with xe before".

Dervish wasn't sure what he was about to see, but did recgonize it when it floated down from above. He read about such creatures back in his early days before he became an adventurer and was but a scribe.

Who was the coast clear of? Members of the Church of the Wise One. Inhabitants of Fes who came here to worship and pay tribute to the creature. A shaft of light from above illuminated the cathedral as a giant spherical being floated down from the ceiling high above. The beholder had spotted them. Its central eye was fixed on the couple.

It's numerous eyestalks rotated to face them as well. Dervish realized this encounter was deadly serious, given that the beholder could likely annihilate them easily. So Dervish was relieved that Ayla said she could parlay with it. Yet he was still very uneasy to be in it's presence. It was understandable why some might view xe as a demigod.

Although he recognized it as a beholder, sometimes called an Eye Tyrant, it was unlike any one he had read about. Dervish had never seen one before. Even so, he could see xe was not a typical specimen. It had more than the usual 10 eyestalks. And it appeared to lack a large fanged mouth. Though the lack of a maw filled with razor sharp teeth did not put him at ease. Not in the least.

It was his understanding that each eye atop every eyestalk was capable of emitting magick energies that could cause instant death, disintegrate objects, transmute flesh to stone, and so on.

"It is good to see you again, Ayla", the creature thought.

While the beholder only thought this, Dervish could hear the creature's words in his mind.

"What have you brought to pay for passage though my chamber?" The creature inquired. "And who have you brought with you?".

"Dervish Sanders", Ayla replied, honestly.

TWO (aka The Wise One) considered what Ayla said. "I have heard of the human adventurer called Dervish Sanders", xe said, descending to ground level and floating closer. TWO eyed Dervish. "You wish passage as well? The price will be double".

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Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Dervish Sanders Seeks The Assistance of Hasan The Carpet Merchant

Dervish Sanders: Bing Copilot AI, what was the deal with that last story you told me? I regret to say it was very boring. I was waiting for something exciting to happen, but nothing did. Zahid got lucky, but you didn't go into many details regarding his encounter with the librarian employee, Amina. Then that kid threw up and the story ended.

Bing Copilot AI: You're looking for a tale with a little more excitement? I might be able to oblige.

Dervish Sanders: ok, that sounds more like it. By the way, I've been thinking about it and decided that I should check in at the Al-Qarawiyyin Library more often. In case anyone in need of my assistance comes looking for me. Or sends a message, like what happened when I received word that the citizens of Abu Qilyub were under assault by a goblin horde.

Additionally, I assume that nobody at the library knows where I live. For security reasons I think it would be best to keep the location of my home base secret.

Bing: Absolutely. Nobody at the library knows where you live. And not only for security reasons. You wouldn't people showing up and hassling you at your home. Which is why you purchased your villa using an alias. As far as the city of Fes officials are concerned, Haris Rayan Shalhoub owns your estate.

Dervish Sanders: That sounds like a good idea I had. Who are these city of Fes officials and what do they want?

Bing: Various officials. The deed for your property says Haris Rayan Shalhoub owns your property, like I said. And that's who pays the taxes. Ayla uses an illusion to appear as this person whenever necessary. Which has only been a handful of times. Now, maybe I can continue with the story?

Dervish Sanders: Absolutely. I'm looking forward to finally making the journey to the Sun Place. That sounds super exciting. It certainly should be, given all the build up. Not to mention all the delays and boring side non-adventures of ancillary characters.

Bing: ok. Gotcha. Things are about to get considerably more interesting. You can trust me on that. In regards to that idea of checking in periodically at the Al-Qarawiyyin Library, the administrator Fihriya al-Qurashiyya gave you a message the last time you were at the library. A carrier pigeon delivered a note that says the citizens of the coastal village of El Beddouza require the assistance of the legendary adventurer Dervish Sanders. But administrator al-Qurashiyya didn't know where you were or how to contact you, so she sent a pigeon back saying you were unavailable.

Another message arrived after that, which indicated that the people of El Beddouza are desperate. A number of townsfolk had been found slain, their bodies drained of blood. That was an escalation from the prior communication that indicated some livestock had been found, also drained of blood.

"I have no idea" Zahra remarked when filled in. "Perhaps a ghoul?". She looked extremely worried. "I don't think you should go".

"But that's what I do. I help people in need", Dervish explained. "Besides, Ayla will be with me. Don't worry".

But Zahra was worried. She reminded Dervish that she was about to give birth to his child.

"I certainly haven't forgotten, my love", Dervish said.

"There are a few months left", Ayla interjected. She convinced Dervish to go down to the vault to collect the rest of the supplies they required for the trip. Then she had a talk with Zahra.

"Dervish is an adventurer", she said. "It's what he does. So, you'll have to get used to it. I will be there to protect him".

Zahra acquiesced. "I trust you to take care of Dervish. As you know, my first husband was an adventurer. He was killed while adventuring. And his body was lost. He was devoured, apparently. That's what his companions told me".

"I know" Ayla said, comforting Zahra. The two women embraced. "By the way" Ayla added, "I want you to tell Dervish before we leave that whatever I say goes".

"Of course" Zahra agreed. "Whatever you say goes. I'll tell him".

Dervish was unsure, but he agreed. Ayla was in charge. And so Dervish and Ayla departed. The road and adventure awaited.

"Let us hope we are not too late to help the people of El Beddouza" Dervish remarked.

In order to travel faster he suggested they buy some horses. He said he knew someone. Even with fast horsers, it will take several weeks to get there. But Ayla had an alternate proposition. Travel by magical means could get them there much faster, she claimed. Dervish inquired as to what Ayla had in mind. What she had in mind was a travel mirror located within the Hall of Mirrors.

"In the Dreamweaver's labyrinth?", Dervish asked. "I didn't think either of us could return".

"The Hall of Mirrors has multiple access points", Ayla revealed. "One is in Marrakech, another is much closer".

"A magic travel mirror, huh?" Dervish said, guessing what Ayla might be referring to.

"Yes", Ayla confirmed. "There are actually several in the Hall of Mirrors".

Dervish considered what Ayla said. "Why didn't I know that? Given that I was a dream weaver, even if briefly".

Ayla smiled. She moved closer, so that the two were face to face. "You received your dream. Me".

"Yes", Dervish agreed. "You are my dream". He kissed Ayla deeply. "These are also my dream" Dervish remarked, fondling Ayla's firm pert breasts, which were a very generous C cup. He massaged them for a while, which brought Ayla great pleasure. She began to moan softly.

The morning was crisp and cool, the sun having just risen.

"So, where are we going?" Dervish inquired, withdrawing his hands.

"To see the carpet merchant, Hasan, of course", Ayla replied as she buttoned her top, concealing her exposed breasts.

Dervish considered what Ayla told him. The last time he had encountered Hasan was in the Marrakech bazzar. Over 200 miles west of their current location. What might explain how Hasan could be here in Fes? Dervish had a few theories, but decided it would just be easier to see how this played out.

Hasan's eyes held the wisdom of centuries. It turned out the reason was he had been around for centuries.

"I am The one and only Dreamweaver", Hasan revealed. "Though there are others I have allowed to enter the labyrinth. Like you. And borrow my cloak". Dervish and Ayla sat on a rug in Hasan's shop. "It's a good thing you gave it back. I was worried there had been a misundertanding, and that you thought I gifted it to you. Instead of only loaning it to you".

Hasan cleared his throat. "I'm glad things worked out so well", he remarked, a twinkle in his eye. "She is an extraordinary beauty. Now you've returned. I assume you believe there is something I can do for you? I only loan my Dreamweaver cloak to deserving people once. No repeat customers and no exceptions. You already have your dream".

"That's ok", Ayla said, interrupting. "We only desire to enter the Hall of Mirrors, not the labyrinth".

"I figured", Hasan replied. "You wish to utilize the alternate entrance". Hasan stood, using his cane to push himself up from the floor. Pushing a tapestry aside, a door was revealed. "Through here", he said. "Although, you will have to contend with The Wise One".

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Sunday, December 15, 2024

Bijan Ali Burhan & Zahid Abdul Alim Attempt To Locate Dervish Sanders In Fes

Childhood friends Bijan and Zahid finally located the Al-Qarawiyyin Library. Fes, an extremely populous sprawling city, concealed it from them, despite the building being quite large. Now that they finally found it, they were both impressed by how immense it was.

"About my payment?" the tifl alshaarie (street child) who had served as their guide inquired.

"Uh, we are looking for the famed adventurer Dervish Sanders", Zahid remarked.

The boy's face lit up. "I have heard he can be found here at the library quite often". The child held out his hand, expecting payment.

"Uh, don't you want to meet the mashhur Dervish Sanders?" Bijan asked.

"We are friends of his", Zahid added, which was a tiny fib.

The child looked intrigued. Suddenly there was a loud grumble. "Please, sir, I am very hungry. Do you have any food?"

Bijan felt very guilty. "No. Also, we can't pay you as promised until we locate Majstir Sanders".

The boy's expression changed. Now he appeared to be very angry. "You lied to me? You don't even have a single copper Habb? I don't know if I should cut my losses or continue helping you liars". The child was visibly enraged. "I doubt you have even ever met Majstir Sanders", the boy declared.

"Yes, we do know him", Zahid insisted. "We fought side by side with him to defeat a goblin horde".

The boy looked Bijan and Zahid up and down. "Hara'. I don't believe you. Where are your weapons?" the boy asked, incredulous.

We were beset by bandits and all our belongings were stolen on the road from Abu Qilyub", Bijan explained. "There must have been at least 20 of them. We were outnumbered".

Zahid could see the boy didn't believe his friend. "My friend Bijan exaggerates. There were not 20 bandits. I think it was four or five. Though they did ambush us. We surrendered our belongings in order to avoid being killed. Including our barb, Nina".

"I don't give a ghayit about your horse's name" the boy interjected. "Stupid falahs".

"Stick with us and you'll get paid", Bijan fibbed. He had no idea if they'd even be able to find Dervish Sanders. He was now very worried they would not. "He is very wealthy. He can pay you double", Bijan lied. Though maybe Dervish would pay a mere 2 copper Habbs. It would surely be nothing to him. Therefore he did not lie. Or so he convinced himself. If they could only find him he'd probably pay. He was a very generous man. He would almost certainly be very happy to help this poor street child.

The child produced a small knife from his pocket. "I could be shoplifting a piece of fruit for my lunch", the boy complained while handling the knife. He thrust it forward a few times, stabbing an imaginary foe. "I'll stick this in your gut if you screw me", the boy promised. "I want 5 copper Habbs", he declared.

"Majstir Sanders will pay you one silver dirham", Bijan promised.

The boy's eyes grew wide. That was lot of money. For him, at least. "OK", he agreed. "But you'll regret it if you nakah me", the boy said, waving his small knife around to frighten the two stupid falahs. "You can call me Adin, by the way".

People were coming and going from the library entrance.

"Let's go", Bijan decided, starting to walk in the direction of the library on the other side of the busy street.

"Where are you going, stupid falah?" Adin asked.

What was this dumb kid talking about? "The library. To inquire about Dervish Sanders".

"The library is that building", Adin stated, pointing at a building on the side of the street they had been standing on. "That building is the University".

"Right. Of course", Bijan said, embarrassed. He turned around and came back. A young man wearing silk robes almost ran into him.

"Watch where you're going, ghabi" the young man remarked.

"I'm sorry, sir", Bihjan apologized.

The three of them crossed the courtyard and approached the library doors.

"They don't allow in riffraff", Adin remarked.

Zahid looked in. "I don't see any security".

He walked into a large vestibule. The place seemed empty. He saw a woman sitting behind a counter. She noticed Zahid and asked if he needed help.

"I'm looking for a man", Zahid began.

"He isn't here", the woman exclaimed abruptly. Ever so often people came looking for the famed adventurer Dervish Sanders. She always told them he was not there. Whether he was or not. This man looked like a person of no importance. "The library isn't open to the public", the woman said as Zahid approached the desk.

"I am a personal friend of Majstir Sanders", Zahid informed her.

"Do you have an ID or a pass?" the middle-aged woman with graying black hair asked.

"I am Zahid, a very good friend of Dervish Sanders", he said, repeating himself.

"I tell you what, you can leave a message and I'll make sure he gets it".

"You're sure he isn't here? Maybe we can wait outside and he will show up later today?". Zahid had no idea how they were going to locate Sanders. He didn't think about it too much before departing on the journey, but now he was wondering how in jahim they were going to find him.

"I heard he was here yesterday, but prior to that it was a few months. I wouldn't count on him showing up today". She answered honestly. Though she would have said the same if she knew Dervish would be coming today. He had previously spent a lot of time at the library. Not recently, however. She had no idea why.

"I guess I'll leave a note then", Zahid concluded. "Though I don't write good. Let me get my friend".

The woman sighed. In the meantime a group of students entered the room and they showed some badges. The woman waved them in. Seeing what happened, Zahid asked if he could go in a take a look around. "You? No, you can't go in".

Zahid could feel the woman's eyes on him. She was staring at him. With disgust, he felt.

Though, as it turned out, that look in her eyes was not disgust. It was another emotion. The lady, whose name it turned out was Amina, invited Zahid and Bijan back to her home.

"You are a very handsome strong young man", Amina remarked as she began undressing. This was after they entered her bedroom. She appeared to be in her 40s, yet still in excellent shape. Zahid admired her lithe nude body.

"I have not been with a man for some time", Amina confessed.

"I have never lain with a woman", Zahid replied sheepishly.

"Really?" Amina remarked. She was definitely intrigued. "Make love to me" Amina implored. She approached Zahid. Zahid embraced and began kissing her.

"Nakah me again" Amina demanded, kissing Zahid gently as they lay in bed together, their bodies intertwined.

"Again?" Zahid replied. Honestly, he was exhausted. And very hungry. "It's been almost two days since I have eaten", he complained.

"You just ate me", Amina said, smiling.

"I enjoyed it very much", Zahid admitted.

"The baba ghanoush and shawarma are very tasty", Bijan remarked when he saw his friend.

Where had Zahid been for the last hour? Zahid joined his friend at the table and began to devour the plate of food Bijan pushed in front of him. Aidn was there as well, shoveling food into his open maw. Finally, the little boy slowed down.

"I was so hungry", Adin exclaimed. "I've never eaten so much food in my entire life". The boy leaned back in his chair and started groaning. "I don't feel so well", Adin moaned. Then he threw up on his plate.

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