Anthony Kennedy is retiring. Abortion will be illegal in twenty states in 18 months. #SCOTUS
— Jeffrey Toobin (@JeffreyToobin) June 27, 2018
Anthony Kennedy, a moderate-ish Reagan-appointed SCOTUS justice who was the swing vote in upholding a woman's right to choose, the victory for marriage equality and a number of other cases (where he sided with the more liberal justices) is retiring. Predisent Trump, a moron who pandered to the far Right religious nutters to solidify the White vote, promised to appoint SCOTUS judges who are hostile to the rights of women.
On 10/30/2008 candidate Obama informed the electorate that "we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America". The Right went nuts and brought up that quote ad nauseam. Apparently they thought he was referring to a socialist dystopia.
The two transformations that come to mind are the ACA and the SCOTUS ruling that brought us marriage equality. Both are now in danger. The ACA, for the record, was a Republican idea and is not what Progressives wanted (single payer). There was no "fundamental transformation" of America. And Obama was a moderate, so I fail to see how he could have brought about the democratic socialist transformation that we need.
Predisent Trump, the racist White Nationalist appeasing treasonous Putin puppet who serves the interests of the oligarchs, on the other hand... is on the cusp of achieving real fundamental transformation. A transformation that will be unstoppable regardless of how long the Orange Turd's reign of terror lasts. Me, I think he may resign, but regardless he won't run in 2020.
On the other hand, with the departure of Kennedy and the 100% probability that Trump will try to install a Right-wing corporatist religious nutter-appeasing extremist SCOTUS judge, Trump could win again. The Supreme Court already favors Republicans in gerrymandering cases.
Sham elections in which a minority of the electorate chooses our leaders could be an irreversible reality soon. Trump was elected by a minority of voters. Kris Kobach disenfranchised God knows how many people who had the legitimate right to vote. Via his Interstate Crosscheck election fraud scheme.
The number was surely enough to swing the election in favor of Trump, causing the legitimate winner, Hillary Clinton to "lose". Add to that the effects of Gerrymandering and the Russian meddling and I think it is clear that the 2016 potus election was stolen (SWTD #358).
If Democrats fail to take back the House and Senate in the 2018 midterms democracy as we know it is over. The transformation of American into a fascist oligarchic theocracy will be assured.
Kennedy must not give a crap about his legacy given that he's retiring now instead of waiting until the midterms. That he's handing his seat to a Trump-appointed far right extremist makes me say F*CK HIM. He could wait another 5 months, then retire after the blue wave. Which may or may not come. Trumper politicians are saying there will be a red wave. Something that isn't supported by historical precedent.
The party of an incumbent president usually loses seats in midterm elections. Do they know that Russian meddling (Russia = Red) is going to benefit them again? Surely you've heard that this is "the most important election of our lifetime" many times in the past. With democracy on the line I think that this time it is absolutely true. #SaveDemocracy #ResistTrump.
Instead of being almost over, the Trump nightmare may be just beginning. How sad and pathetic is it that it might be a stinky #OrangeTurd that kills democracy?